
ACEM position paper - Ensuring Sustainable Urban Mobility: The key role of Powered Two-Wheelers
20 Sep 2021

ACEM position paper - Ensuring Sustainable Urban Mobility: The key role of Powered Two-Wheelers

On 1 July 2021, the European Commission published a Public Consultation to gather stakeholders’ views on a future EU Urban Mobility framework. ACEM values the effort of the European Commission towards its 2050 climate strategy, which the Motorcycling community strive to contribute too.

ACEM has responded to the Public Consultation but regrets that this has proven to be difficult in light of the Commission’s questionnaire format and content, leaving out Powered Two-Wheelers (PTWs) as an urban mobility option. ACEM recalls that more than 35 million PTWs are used on European roads, many of which as day-to-day mobility means, especially in urban environments.

As regards the future political strategic orientation of the European Union, ACEM calls for the EC to consider the use of (electric) powered two-wheelers in urban areas as a valuable contribution, along with public transport, walking and cycling. The latter means of transport do not realistically cover all transport requirements and the need for affordable, private motorized transport, will always exist.

More on this in the latest ACEM Position Paper “Ensuring Sustainable Urban Mobility: The key role of Powered Two-Wheelers (PTWs)”.

Documents available to download

Ensuring Sustainable Urban Mobility: The key role of Powered Two-Wheelers (PTWs) [PDF]

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