International Motorcycle Road Safety Conference in Spain reinforces collaboration with public institutions

Motorcycle road safety conference2024_Zaragoza_Spain

Zaragoza (Spain) | 21 March 2024

On 20th and 21st March, the International Motorcycle Road Safety Conference promoted by ANESDOR and Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT) was held in Zaragoza (Spain) reinforcing a constructure dialogue in the sector.

More than 400 participants (in-person and online) had the opportunity to exchange and discuss with experts from institutions, industry, research centres, users and infrastructure operators on different safety approaches. The common objective is the reduction of accidents while raising awareness about the importance of mopeds and motorcycles in terms of sustainability, mobility and efficiency in cities and main road networks.

The first day, presentations reflecting the importance of collaboration between all actors at international, national and local levels. Inclusive policies and good practices need to be adapted and integrated depending on the safety context from the United Nations or the European Union to the city of Barcelona. Users must be always at the core benefiting from latest developments in the equipment or vehicle. Public and private collaboration is key on the successful deployment of this framework.

The second day focussed on the coordination of the safety triangle (i.e. user, vehicle and infrastructure) towards the full achievement of the Safe System Approach. No one can be left behind and commitments are necessary from all. Innovation and ratings are necessary not only in the vehicle but also in the adaptability of the road elements.

ACEM actively supported the event by contributing to the agenda and participating with presentations and moderations. As part of our shared responsibility, ACEM closely works at European level with the institutions assisting on topics such as the Driving Licence, the future Roadworthiness package, the new Road Infrastructure Management framework or the development of new technologies which represent a standing commitment for the industry.

All #IMRSC recordings and presentations are available here: