February 2017

According to the latest data published today by the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM) registrations of motorcycles and mopeds in the EU have increased by 9.1% in 2016 compared to the the previous year. Total registrations in 2016 reached 1,307,200 units, with substantial increases in all of the largest European markets.

France remains the largest European market for light vehicles (253,067 units, +4.2% in 2016), followed by Italy (219,865 units, +11.8%), Germany (174,264 units, +15.1%), Spain (172,176 units, +15.9%) and the UK (128,637 units, +11.7%).

Strong growth in the motorcycle segment across Europe

In 2016 European registrations of motorcycles (i.e. vehicles with two- or three wheels and an engine capacity of more than 50cc) grew by 13.3% compared to 2015. The largest market for motorcycles in Europe was Italy, with 195,290 units registered (+13.5% on a year-on-year basis).

Other largest European motorcycle markets also showed positive trends: 174,624 vehicles were registered in Germany (+15.1%); 163,335 in France (+6.6%), 155,003 in Spain (+17%) and 119,889 in the UK (+13.4%).

Moped registrations in Europe

Registrations of mopeds (i.e. vehicles with two or three wheels and an engine capacity of 50cc or less) increased in some of the major European markets such as Spain (17,173 units, +7.6%) and the Netherlands (67,825 units, +2.9%), and remained stable in France (89,732 units, +0.1%) and Italy (24,575 units, -0.2%). A total of 327,826 mopeds were registered in Europe in 2016, representing a decrease of 3.5% on a year-on year basis.

Registrations by cylinder capacity

Most motorcycles, mopeds and quadricycles registered in Europe in 2016 have a cyclinder capacity of less than 125 cc (672,551 units, 49%). Vehicles with a cyclinder capacity between 126cc and 500cc accounted for 19% of the total (268,103 units), quite close to the number of registered vehicles with engines between 500c and 1000cc (20.6%, 283,868 units). Lastly, vehicles with engines of 1000cc or more totalled 150,444 units (10.9% of the total).

Registrations of electric vehicles

The largest markets for electrically-propelled mopeds, motorcycles and quadricycles were: France (7,396 units), the Netherlands (5,203 units), Italy (2,385 units), Spain (1,604 units) and Germany (1,501 units). Of all mopeds, motorcycles and quadricycles registered in the EU, 1.6% were electric vehicles. Internal combustion vehicles and vehicles equipped with hybrid propulsion represented 98.4% of the total registrations.


The Secretary General of the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM), Antonio Perlot (Italian) said:

  • “2016 has been a very positive year for the industry, with registrations increasing in most European countries, particularly in the largest European markets: France (253,067 units), Italy (219,865 units), Germany (174,264 units), Spain (172,176 units) and the UK (128,637 units)”.
  • “Strong demand for light vehicles across Europe is a testament to their inherent advantages. Mopeds, motorcycles and quadricycles have reduced purchasing and running costs, are easier to park than cars, and reduce travelling times and congestion in cities”.
  • “Nothwithstanding this, our sector still faces a delicate situation. Although more than 1.3 million vehicles were registered in Europe in 2016, that figure is about half the 2.43 million units registered in 2007 before the economic crisis hit”. 
  • “According to our latest estimates, about 156,000 jobs are generated directly or indirectly by our sector in the EU. Activities such as manufacturing of vehicles, parts and componentes, as well as in repair and maintenance of vehicles, or manufacturing of protective equipment to name just a few examples, create jobs all over Europe, particularly in countries such as Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Spain and the UK”.
  • “Exports of motorcycles, parts and accesories to foreign countries are essential to sustaining jobs in the motorcycle sector in Europe. In addition to a stronger domestic European market, we need a European trade policy that not only secures strategic free trade agreements with key partners but also one that prevents protectionist policies abroad”.

Documents available to download

ACEM - Statistical data - December 2016 [xls]

ACEM - Statistical press release - December 2016 [pdf]

Press contact

For further information or to receive future ACEM news and press releases please contact:
Manuel Ordonez de Barraicua. ACEM communications officer
P. +32 (0)22 30 97 32

Published in News

The European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM) and other leading European manufacturing associations have reached a cross-industry agreement on the need for the European Union to develop a new and ambitious industrial strategy.

The landmark “Joint Declaration for an ambitious EU industrial strategy” released today calls on the European Commission to reaffirm its commitment to reaching the target of 20% of GDP from industry, with an ambitious and realistic timeline; to urgently adopt an Action Plan to tackle the challenges that the industrial sectors are facing; and to implement this Action Plan in a timely manner and regularly report on progress.

The signatories of the declaration “are ready to step up our cooperation with the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Competitiveness Council” in order to define and implement “an ambitious and coordinated European industrial strategy” to help safeguard the world leadership of European manufacturers.

The motion is supported by 92 industry associations which directly employ about 34 million people across all EU Member States in supply chains comprising hundreds of thousands of SMEs and larger suppliers.


Commenting on the joint declaration ACEM Secretary General Antonio Perlot said: “The motorcycle industry in Europe welcomes this joint declaration as an important milestone to promote much-needed cooperation between manufacturing industries, European Union authorities and national administrations”.

“We do hope that the EU institutions and particularly the Ministers and Secretaries of States that will meet on 20 February 2017 to discuss the competitiveness of the European industry will take note of the call of Europe’s key manufacturing sectors”.

“ACEM members fully support the European 20% target of industry's share in Europe's GDP by 2020. In order to achieve this important target, the motorcycle industry needs a clear and predictable type-approval framework that is technically feasible and based on solid economic assessments, as well as a reasonable lead-time to adjust to it”.

“It is also important that Europe remains an attractive business environment. Some of the areas where government action can make a positive difference include: innovation spending, invesment in people’s skills, well designed tax regimes and smart trade policies that promotes access to key markets and avoid increases in protectionist measures abroad”.

Documents available to download

Joint declaration for an ambitious EU industrial strategy (pdf)

Press contact

For further information or to receive future ACEM news and press releases please contact:
Manuel Ordonez de Barraicua. ACEM communications officer
P. +32 (0)22 30 97 32

Note for editors

ACEM, the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers, is the trade association that represents manufacturers of powered-two and three-wheelers as well as quadricycles (L-category vehicles) in Europe. ACEM members include 17 manufacturing companies and 17 national industry associations in 14 different European countries. About 156,300 jobs depend on the motorcycle, moped, tricycle and quadricycle industry in Europe.

ACEM works closely with the EU institutions, as well as with a wide range of stakeholders, in different policy-areas. These include type-approval of L-category vehicles, environmental legislation, road safety and transport policies, international trade negotiations, etc.

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Link to the article

El Economista - EEUU estudia imponer una tasa adicional de hasta el 100% a las motocicletas importadas de Europa


Published in IN THE MEDIA
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European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers

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+32 (0)22 30 97 32

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