January 2017

Gli Usa potrebbero introdurre dazi fino al 100% sulle importazioni di moto dalla Ue in rappresaglia per la carne agli ormoni, su cui la nuova amministrazione Trump ha riaperto la contesa. E' l'allarme lanciato dall'associazione europea dei produttori moto (Acem), "profondamente preoccupata"... Continue reading in La Repubblica.

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La Repubblica - Usa, possibili maxi tassa su import moto dalla UE

Published in IN THE MEDIA

L'Associazione europea dei costruttori di motocicli (ACEM) chiede alla United States Trade Representative (USTR) che le moto siano escluse dalla lista dei beni di importazione passibili di dazi aggiuntivi (sino al 100%), in relazione alla controversia in corso con le autorità UE per il blocco dell'importazione di carne statunitense allevata con ormoni. La misura ventilata dall'USTR, se fosse portata avanti, interesserebbe le due ruote prodotte nel Vecchio Continente ed equipaggiate con motori di cilindrata tra 51 cc a 500 cc.... Continue reading in ANSA... Continue reading in ANSA.

Link to the article

ANSA - ACEM chiede esclusione moto europee da elenco dazi USA


Published in IN THE MEDIA

La carne americana agli ormoni fa male...alle moto europee. Soprattutto alla Vespa, che rischia di sparire o quasi dal mercato Usa nonostante sia un’icona anche per gli americani: sullo scooter italiano e su tutti gli altri motocicli Ue di cilindrata da 51 a 500 centimetri cubici i dazi potrebbero raddoppiare. È la conseguenza di una disputa sui dazi doganali nata non ora con l’avvento al potere del protezionista Donald Trump, ma vent’anni fa, ai tempi della “mucca pazza”: la Commissione Ue bandì i bovini americani cresciuti con ormoni... Continue reading in Il Sole 24 ore.

Link to the article

Il Sole 24 ore - La carne americana agli ormoni fa male...alle moto europee.


Published in IN THE MEDIA

The European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM) is deeply concerned about the current decision of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to consider imposing additional customs duties of up to 100% on European motorcycle exports between 51cc and 500cc as of March 2017. This potential measure follows a formal petition to the USTR from the American beef industry, which has requested the opening of a Section 301 proceeding under the 1974 US Trade Act. This seeks to impose additional duties on EU exports to the US as a retaliatory measure against EU restrictions on American beef imports.

The new motorcycle tariff currently under consideration could not only inflict considerable damage to European companies that manufacture goods used by American citizens for both leisure and mobility. It would also negatively affect US small- and medium- enterprises that provide distribution, dealership and repair services, and could potentially lead to the destruction of thousands of jobs in the US.

ACEM, in line with the motorcycle sector at large in Europe and in the United States, calls on the USTR to properly assess this potential measure and to avoid creating an artificial and counterproductive trade barrier that will certainly not encourage a favourable resolution of the beef dispute and that will be damaging for both the EU and the US economies.


ACEM Secretary General Antonio Perlot said:

“There is no justification for this measure, and the motorcycle sector should not be dragged into trade disputes over food products. ACEM, as the representative of motorcycle manufacturers in Europe, is following this issue closely and presented its observations before the USTR to obtain an immediate exclusion of European motorcycles from the list of products subject to increased duties”.

“We should be looking for new opportunities to promote transatlantic commerce and increase prosperity on both sides of the Atlantic, instead of creating new artificial barriers that hurt European companies, reduce American consumers’ choice and harm jobs in the US”.

“Unilateral measures such as this one will not encourage a favourable resolution of the beef dispute. ACEM calls on the USTR to properly assess the potential measure and counts on the support of the European Commission to ensure that European companies can compete in the US market on fair terms and are not hindered by artificial and counterproductive trade barriers”.

Press contact

For further information or to receive future ACEM news and press releases please contact:
Manuel Ordonez de Barraicua. ACEM communications officer
P. +32 (0)22 30 97 32


  • ACEM, the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers, is the trade association that represents manufacturers of powered-two and three-wheelers as well as quadricycles (L-category vehicles) in Europe. ACEM members include 17 manufacturing companies and 17 national industry associations in 14 different European countries. About 156,300 jobs depend on the motorcycle, moped, tricycle and quadricycle industry in Europe.
  • ACEM works closely with the EU institutions, as well as with a wide range of stakeholders, in different policy-areas. These include type-approval of L-category vehicles, environmental legislation, road safety and transport policies, international trade negotiations, etc.
  • The United States Trade Representative (USTR) is a Cabinet member who serves as the President’s principal trade adviser, negotiator, and spokesperson on trade issues. He is responsible for developing and coordinating U.S. international trade, commodity and direct investment policy.
  • Under Section 301 of the US Trade Act of 1974, the USTR is entitled to take unilateral actions and to impose duties upon foreign exports. It is not the first time the European motorcycle industry is targeted by the USTR. In 1999 and 2008, European motorcycles had also been included in – and subsequently removed – from a similar retaliation list.

More information

Published in News

At the request of the US beef industry, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) has initiated Section 301 proceedings seeking to impose additional duties on certain EU exports to the U.S., including motorcycles fitted with engines between 51cc and 500cc. These additional duties (up to 100%) would intervene in the context of a 20 years long dispute between the EU and the U.S. over an EU decision to ban imports of beef and beef products produced from animals to which hormones have been administered for growth-promotion purposes.

ACEM strongly believes that the measures under consideration by the USTR will not be effective in encouraging a favorable resolution of the dispute, could lead to overcompensation of the damage alleged by US beef exporters, in violation of WTO rules, and most importantly will reduce US consumers’ choice and could cause economic harm and job losses in the US in the motorcycle sector at large.

ACEM requests an exclusion of motorcycles from the proposed list (as presented in Annex 1 of the USTR notice) before additional duties are imposed.

Documents available to download

ACEM - Comments USTR-2016-0025 [pdf]

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative has proposed applying a massive tariff on small- and medium-size motorcycles imported to the U.S. from Europe, which the American Motorcyclist Assn. said could endanger bike makers abroad and retailers at home. The proposed tax, which has been characterized as retaliation against European laws limiting imports of American beef, would levy a 100% tax on European Union motorcycles with engines between 50cc and 500cc... Continue reading in Los Angeles Times.

Link to the article

NRK - Trump truer Europa med 100 prosent straffetoll

Published in IN THE MEDIA

The Motorcycle Industry in Europe (ACEM), the European Association of Automobile Manufacturers (ACEA), the Union Pétrolière Européenne Indépendante (UPEI) and FuelsEurope have issued a joint letter asking EU Member States to plan their legislation transposing the EU Directive on Alternative Fuel Infrastructure (DAFI) to take into account the national standards for fuel identifiers that are currently being developed at national level.

These new standards, which will be based on the recently adopted CEN standard EN 16942, will provide for common fuel identifiers that will be placed on new vehicles and fuel pumps. This will allow consumers to know which fuels can be used to refill their vehicles at all filling stations across Europe. The European Commission has already informed national authorities that the new standards must be applied for all new vehicles and fuel pumps as of 12 October 2018.

ACEM, ACEA, UPEI and FuelsEurope will organise common communication activities to inform customers about the new fuel identifiers, and welcome the participations in this initiative of organisations representing European consumers and drivers.

Documents available to download

Joint letter - Implementation of article 7 of the DAFI [pdf]

Published in News

Motorcycle registrations in the largest EU markets - France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK - grew by 8.5% during the first 11 monhs of 2016, compared to the same period of 2015, reaching 742,515 units.

The strongest performance was recorded in Italy (+11.4%, 186,203 units), followed by Spain (+12.2%, 139,118 units), the UK (+8.5%, 109,715 units), Germany (+7%, 157,156 units) and France (+3.5%, 150,323 units).

Documents available to download

Statistical data - Motorcycle registrations in key EU markets - November 2016 [xls]

Press release - Motorcycle registrations in key EU markets - November [pdf]

Press contact

For further information or to receive future market updates, news or press releases please contact:

Manuel Ordonez de Barraicua. ACEM communications officer E. , P. +32 (0) 22 30 97 32.

Published in News

At least 1,209,006 powered-two and three-wheelers were registered during the first 11 months of 2016 in the EU. This represents an increase of 5.4% compared to the 1,146,948 vehicles registered during the same period of 2015.

Registrations performed positively in all of the key European markets including Italy (+9.8%, 209,147 units), Spain (+11.7%, 154,869 units), UK (+7.1%, 117,647 units), Germany (+4.7%, 186,519 units) and France (+2.1%, 232,715 units).

Motorcycle registrations

During the first 11 months of 2016 cumulative motorcycle registrations grew by 8.3% on a year-on year basis. A total of 918,540 motorcycles were registered between January and November 2016, against 848,503 during the same period of 2015.

Year-on-year motorcycle registrations increased in all of the largest European markets, including Italy (+11.4%, 186,203 units), Spain (+12.2%, 139,118 units), UK (+8.5%, 109,715 units), Germany (+7%, 157,156 units) and France (+3.5%, 150,323 units).

Moped registrations

At least 290,466 mopeds were registered during the first 11 months of 2016 in the EU, whilst 298,445 had been registered during the same period of 2015. This represents a decrease of 2.7%.

Moped registrations increased in Spain (+8.1%, 15,751 units) and the Netherlands (+3.4%, 64,618 units). They remained stable in France (-0.1%, 82,392 units) but declined in Italy (-1.9%, 22,944 units), Germany (-6.1%, 29,363 units) and Poland (-14.1%, 23,255 units).

Documents available to dowload

ACEM - Statistical data - November 2016 [xls]
ACEM - Statistical press release - November 2016 [pdf]

Press contact

For further information or to receive future market updates, news or press releases please contact:
Manuel Ordonez de Barraicua. ACEM communications officer
E. , P. +32 (0) 22 30 97 32.

Published in News

At least 1,151,043 powered-two and three-wheelers were registered during the first 10 months of 2016 in the EU. This represents an increase of 4.5% compared to the 1,101,860 vehicles registered during the same period of 2015.

Registrations performed positively in all of the key European markets including Italy (+9.9%, 199,702 units), Spain (+9.8%, 141,519 units), UK (+6.7%, 110,003 units), Germany (+3.4%, 178,845 units) and France (+1.2%, 217,423 units).

Motorcycle registrations

Cumulative motorcycle registrations grew by 7.4% during the first 10 months of 2016 on a year-on year basis. A total of 870,741 motorcycles were registered between January and October 2016, against 811,013 during the same period of 2015.

Year-on-year motorcycle registrations increased in all of the largest European markets, including Italy (+11.6%, 178,109 units), Spain (+10.3%, 127,265 units), UK (+8%, 102,617 units), Germany (+5.6%, 151,189 units) and France (+2.4%, 140,698 units).

Moped registrations

At least 280,302 mopeds were registered during the first nine months of 2016 in the EU, whilst 290,847 had been registered during the same period of 2015. This represents a decrease of 3.6%.

Moped registrations increased in Spain (+6.1%, 14,254 units) and the Netherlands (+2.9%, 60,618 units). They remained stable in France (-0.9%, 76,455 units) but declined in Italy (-2.2%, 21,593 units), Germany (-7.3%, 27,656 units) and Poland (-14.3%, 22,462 units).

Documents available to dowload

ACEM - Statistical data - October 2016 [xls]
ACEM - Statistical press release - October 2016 [pdf]

Press contact

For further information or to receive future market updates, news or press releases please contact:
Manuel Ordonez de Barraicua. ACEM communications officer
E. , P. +32 (0) 22 30 97 32.

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Contact us

European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers

Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, 1 B1040
Brussels Belgium

+32 (0)22 30 97 32

VAT BE0740.931.926

Transparency register - 02480451230-88