July 2016

Die Zulassungszahlen für Motorräder und Leichtkrafträder in den wichtigsten Ländern der EU konnten im 1. Halbjahr 2016 erstmals geschlossen zulegen – Mopeds verlieren aber weiter.

Erstmals nach vielen Jahren stehen in einem ersten Halbjahr die Zulassungsampeln für Krafträder und Kleinkrafträder in den fünf wichtigsten Ländern der EU geschlossen auf Grün, meldet die europäische Herstellervereinigung der Zweiradindustrie ACEM... Continue reading in Die Welt.

Link to the article

Die Welt - Europa mit stetigem Rückenwind: Zweiradmarkt

Published in IN THE MEDIA

Las matriculaciones de motocicletas han crecido un 8,1% en la primera mitad del 2016, respecto al mismo periodo del 2015, alcanzando las 544.870 unidades en el conjunto de la Unión Europea. El crecimiento ha sido positivo en todos los meses a excepción de marzo, donde el efecto de la Semana Santa hizo que las matriculaciones descendiesen un -0,9%, según los datos facilitados por ANESDOR, la Asociación Nacional de Empresas del Sector de Dos Ruedas... Continue reading in ABC.

Link to the article

ABC - Las matriculaciones de motos en España crecen un 13,8% entre enero y junio de 2016


Published in IN THE MEDIA

A total of 679,777 powered-two and three-wheelers were registered during the first six months of 2016 in the EU. This represents an increase of 5.5% compared to the 644,474 vehicles registered during the same period of 2015.

Registrations performed positively in key European markets, including Italy (129,616 units, +14.2%), Spain (80,878 units, +12.2%), UK (66,007 units, +7.4%), Germany (100,749 units, +4.2%) and France (128,182 units, +0.6%).

Motorcycle registrations

Cumulative motorcycle registrations grew by 8.1% during the first six months of 2016 on a year-on year basis. A total of 544,870 motorcycles were registered between January and June 2016, against 504,162 during the same period of 2015. Year-on-year motorcycle registrations increased in the largest European markets, including Italy (116,985 units, +15.9%), Spain (73,323 units, +13.5%), UK (61,859 units, +8.3%), Germany (100,749 units, +4.2%) and France (89,153 units, +1.7%).

Moped registrations

A total of 134,907 mopeds were registered during the first six months of 2016 in the EU, whilst 140,312 had been registered during the same period of 2015. This represents a decrease of 3.9%. Moped registrations increased in the Netherlands (34,139 units, +4.2%) and Italy (12,631 units, +0.4%). They decreased in Austria (7,873 units, -1.1%), France (39,029 units, -1.8%) and Poland (12,515 units, -21.4%)

Documents available to download

ACEM - Statistical data - June 2016 (xls)

ACEM - Statistical press release - June 2016 (pdf)

Press contact

For further information or to receive future market updates, news or press releases please contact:

Manuel Ordonez de Barraicua. ACEM communications officer

E. , T. +32 (0) 22 30 97 32




Published in News

La chiamata d’emergenza è la prossima tappa sul cammino della sicurezza per i motociclisti. La BMW ha sviluppato un dispositivo che potrebbe essere lanciato sul mercato nel 2017 e costituirà il progetto pilota per l’Associazione europea dei costruttori del settore (Acem). L’obiettivo è arrivare a uno standard comune da proporre ai produttori di due ruote, gli attori principali del mercato che unendo forze e risorse possono dare un contributo decisivo alla sicurezza di chi viaggia in moto. La chiamata d’emergenza è la prossima tappa sul cammino della sicurezza per i motociclisti.

La BMW ha sviluppato un dispositivo che potrebbe essere lanciato sul mercato nel 2017 e costituirà il progetto pilota per l’Associazione europea dei costruttori del settore (Acem). L’obiettivo è arrivare a uno standard comune da proporre ai produttori di due ruote, gli attori principali del mercato che unendo forze e risorse possono dare un contributo decisivo alla sicurezza di chi viaggia in moto... Continue reading in Corriere della Sera.

Link to the article

Corriere della Sera - BMW e la moto che chiama i soccorsi Il sistema di sicurezza arriva nel 2017

Published in IN THE MEDIA

Motorcycle registrations in the largest EU markets - France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK - grew by 8.6% during the first six months of 2016, compared to the same period of 2015, reaching more than 442,000 units.

The strongest performance was recorded in Italy (+15.9%, 116,985 units), followed by Spain (+13.5%, 73,323 units). Registrations also increased in the UK (+8.3%, 61,859 units), Germany (+4.2%, 100,749 units) and France (+1.7%, 89,153 units).

Documents available to download

Statistical data - Motorcycle registrations in key EU markets - June 2016 [xls]

Press release - Motorcycle registrations in key EU markets - June 2016 [pdf]

Press contact

For further information or to receive future market updates, news or press releases please contact:

Manuel Ordonez de Barraicua. ACEM communications officer


+32 (0) 22 30 97 32.

Published in News

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European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers

Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, 1 B1040
Brussels Belgium

+32 (0)22 30 97 32

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